廖國基 博士

Dr. Kuo-Chi, LIAO

國立臺灣大學  生物機電工程學系  教授

TEL: (02) 3366-5332
E-mail: kokki@ntu.edu.tw


美國密西根大學安娜堡校區 應用力學暨機械工程系 博士
美國密西根大學安娜堡校區 應用力學暨機械工程系 碩士
國立台灣大學 農業機械工程學系 學士


國立臺灣大學 生物機電工程學系 系主任
國立臺灣大學 生物產業機電工程學系 副教授
國立臺灣大學 生物產業機電工程學系 助理教授
國立雲林科技大學 副教授
明志科技大學 助理教授
鴻海精密工業公司 工程師
美國密西根大學安娜堡校區 應用力學暨機械工程系 博士後研究員
福特汽車 暑期實習工程師






  • Huang, T.-C., Lin, C.-Y., Liao, K.-C.,Numerical Sealing Performance Assessments of PTFE Rotary Lip Seals Based on the Elasto-hydrodynamic Analysis with the Consideration of Asperity Interactions and Accelerated Wear Experimental Validations, Wear, vol. 564 – 565, 205706, 2025 (SCI)
  • Chu, Y.-T., Huang, T.-C., Liao, K.-C., Applications of Neural Networks to Metallic Flexor Geometry Optimization of Flat Wipers,International Journal of Passenger Vehicle Systems, vol. 17, 2024 (EI) 
  • Huang, T.-C., Lin, C.-Y., Liao, K.-C., Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Wear Behavior and Sealing Performance of PTFE Rotary Lip Seals Based on the Elasto hydrodynamic Analysis with Considerations of the Asperity Contact, Tribology International, vol. 187, 108747, 2023 (SCI)
  • Huang, T.-C., Liao, K.-C., Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Intermittence for Electronic Connectors Subjected to Mechanical Shocks, Journal of Electronic Packaging, vol. 145, 011206, 2023 (SCI)
  • Huang, T.-C., Lin, C.-Y., Liao, K.-C., Sealing Performance Assessments of PTFE Rotary Lip Seals Based on the Elasto-hydrodynamic Analysis with the Modified Archard Wear Model, Tribology International, vol. 176, 107917, 2022 (SCI)
  • 潘資閔,黃鼎筌,廖國基,基於均質化手法檢視紙材構型於包裝承載落摔條件之緩衝效果,農業機械學刊,vol. 31, 2022
  • Huang, T.-C., Wang, T.-F., Liao, K.-C., Investigations of Structure Strength and Ventilation Performance for Agriproduct Corrugated Cartons under Long-term Transportation Trip, Packaging Technology and Science, vol. 35, pp.821–832, 2022 (SCI)
  • Huang, T.-C., J.-W. Tsai, Liao, K.-C., Wear and Leakage Assessments of Canted Coil Spring–Energized Polytetrafluoroethylene Seals under Ultra-High Cycle Operations, Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 135, 106110, 2022 (SCI)
  • Huang, T.-C., Liao, K.-C., Applications of a Semi‐Crystalline Thermoplastic Constitutive Model to Mechanical Responses of Electronic Connector Structures, Materials, vol. 14, pp.5812-5826, 2021 (SCI)
  • Leu, S.-Y., Chen, Y.-H., and Liao, K.-C., Shakedown Analysis of Trusses under Cyclic Thermal Load with Temperature-Dependent Yield Stress, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, vol. 78, pp. 681-689, 2021 (SCI)
  • Huang, T.-C., Tsai, J.-W., Liao, K.-C., Geometry Optimization of a Metallic Flexor for Flat Wipers, International Journal of Automotive Technology, vol. 22, pp. 823-830, 2021 (SCI)
  • Huang, Y.-W., Liao, K.-C., Leakage Assessments for Electronic Connector, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, vol. 19, pp. 1487-1492, 2019 (EI)
  • Lin, Z.-H., Cheng, K.-Y., Cheng, Y.-P., Tobias Tschang, C.-Y., Chiu, H.-Y., Yeh, N.-L., Liao, K.-C., Gu, B.-R., and Wu, J.-S., Acute Rate Cutaneous Wound Healing for Small and Large Wounds using Ar/O2 Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet Treatment, Plasma Medicine, 2017 (EI)
  • Huang, H.-H., Chen, H.-Y., Liao, K.-C., Young, H.-T., Lee, C.-F., Tien, J.-Y., Thermal-Electrochemical Coupled Simulations for Cell-to-Cell Imbalances in Lithium-Iron-Phosphate Based Battery Packs, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 123, pp. 584-591, 2017 (SCI)
  • Lin, Z.-H., Tobias Tschang, C.-Y., Liao, K.-C., Su, C.-F., Wu, J.-S., and Ho, M.-T., Ar/O2 Argon-based Round Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet on Sterilizing Bacteria and Endospores, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 44, pp. 3140-3147, 2016 (SCI)
  • Huang, H.-H, Chung, W.-L., Liao, K.-C., Lee, C.-F., Tien, J.-Y., Young, H.-T., and Chen, H.-Y., The State of Charge of Electrodes and its effects on Lithium-Iron-Phosphate Battery Simulation, ECS Transactions, vol. 72, pp. 1-10, 2016 (EI)
  • Liao, K.-C., Lu, H.-L., Multi-physics Analysis for Temperature Rise of Electronic Connectors Using a Multi-scale Model, Journal of Electronic Packaging, vol. 137, pp. 031012-1-031012-7, 2015 (SCI, EI) [IF = 0.731, SCI journal rank = 82th/128 in Mechanical].
  • Liao, K.-C., Liao, C.-F., Liu, S.-P., Failure Assessment of Laser Spot-Welded Electronic Connector Structures, Journal of Thermal Stresses, vol. 38, pp. 1118-1137, 2015 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.110, SCI journal rank = 27th/55 in Thermodynamics].
  • 劉士伯,林法勤,廖國基,環氧樹脂填補木材之損傷評估,農業機械學刊, vol. 23, pp. 45-60, 2014
  • Leu, S.-Y., Liao, K.-C., Lin, Y.-C., Plastic Limit Pressure of Spherical Vessels with Combined Hardening Involving Large Deformation, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, vol. 114-115, pp. 16-22, 2014 (SCI, EI) [IF = 0.462, SCI journal rank = 102th/128 in Engineering, Mechanical].
  • Liao, M.-S., Chuang, C.-L., Lin, T.-Z., Chen, C.-P., Zheng, X.-Y., Chen, P.-T., Liao, K.-C., Jiang, J.-A., Development of an Autonomous Early Warning System for Bactrocera Dorsalis (Hendel) Outbreaks in Remote Fruit Orchards, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 88, pp. 1-12, 2012 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.998, SCI journal rank = 5th/57 in Agriculture, Multidisciplinary].
  • Hsu, S.-W. and Liao, K.-C., Wear Analysis and Verification of Metallic Terminals for Electronic Connectors, Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 25, pp. 71-80, 2012 (SCI, EI) [IF = 0.956, SCI journal rank = 10th/32 in Materials Science, Characterization & Testing].
  • Liao, K.-C. and Chen, T.-Y., Springback Evaluation of Porous Sheets under Draw Bending Procedures, Advanced Science Letters, vol. 8, pp. 677-681, 2012 (EI)
  • Liao, K.-C. and Chen, C.-L., Analysis of Micro/mesoscale Sheet Stamping Processes Based on Crystalline Plasticity Model, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 35, pp. 947-953, 2012 (SCI, EI) [IF = 0.251, SCI journal rank = 76th/90 in Engineering, Multidisciplinary].
  • 謝文賓,羅遠傑,陳啟倫,廖國基,電動病床雙邊驅動式升降傾斜機構設計與應力分析,Journal of Advanced Engineering, vol. 7, pp. 23-39, 2012
  • 陳世銘,方瑋,羅筱鳳,曹幸之,張耀乾,廖國基,顏炳郎,蔡兆胤,台灣植物工廠現況與發展策略之分析,農業機械學刊,vol. 20, pp. 95-106, 2011
  • Wang, J.-C., Shieh, J.-C., Su,Y.-L., Kuo, K.-C., Chang, Y.-W., Liang, Y.-T., Chou, J.-J., Liao, K.-C., Jiang, J.-A., A Novel Method for the Determination of Dynamic Resistance for Photovoltaic Modules, Energy, vol. 36, pp. 5968-5974, 2011 (SCI, EI) [IF = 3.858, SCI journal rank = 14th/81 in Energy & Fuels].
  • Liao, K.-C., Chen, C.-L., and Chang, K.-M., Failure Assessments of Porous Aluminum Sheets under Stretching Procedures, Advanced Science Letters, vol. 4, pp. 2991-2995, 2011 (EI)
  • Chiang, M.-H., Liao, K.-C., Lin, I.-M., Lu, C.-C., Huang, H.-Y., Kuo, C.-L., Wu, J.-S., Hsu, C.-C., and Chen, S.-H., Effects of Oxygen Addition and Treating Distance on Surface Cleaning of ITO Glass by a Non-Equilibrium Nitrogen Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, vol. 30, pp.553-563, 2010 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.823, SCI journal rank = 43th/118 = 36.4% in Physics, Applied].
  • Chiang, M.-H., Liao, K.-C., Lin, I.-M., Lu, C.-C., Huang, H.-Y., Kuo, C.-L., and Wu, J.-S., Modification of Hydrophilic Property of Polypropylene Films by a Parallel-plate Nitrogen-based Dielectric Barrier Discharge Jet, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 38, pp. 1489-1498, 2010 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.225, SCI journal rank = 18th/31 in Physics, Fluids & Plasmas].
  • Liao, K.-C. and Chen, C.-L., Investigation of Surface Roughness of Aluminum Alloy Sheet Based on Crystalline Plasticity Model, Computational Materials Science, vol. 49, pp. S47-S53, 2010 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.549, SCI journal rank = 53th/192 in Materials Science].
  • Liao, K.-C., Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Model for Planar Isotropic Porous Materials with Small Mixed-Mode Cracks, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Theory and Simulation, vol. 294, pp. 39-48, 2009 (EI)
  • 江昭皚,盧福明,楊恩誠,曾傳蘆,廖國基,嚴崇瑋,東方果實蠅生態監測與預警系統,自動化科技學會會刊,四月,pp. 54-65,2009
  • Liao, K.-C. and Lin, K.-H., Effects of Thermal and Moisture Absorption on Contact Forces of Electronic Connectors, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 32, pp. 771-777, 2009 (SCI, EI) [IF = 0.227, SCI journal rank = 489th/507 in Engineering].
  • Liao, K.-C., Applications of Planar Anisotropic Yield Criteria to Porous Sheet Metal Forming Simulations, European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, vol. 28, pp. 806-810, 2009 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.674, SCI journal rank = 25th/112 in Mechanics].
  • Liao, K.-C., Cian, Y.-A., and Lin, W.-C., Fatigue Life Assessment of an Innovative Laptop Hinge, Materials & Design, vol. 30, pp. 1497-1502, 2009 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.107, SCI journal rank = 82th/192 in Materials Science].
  • Liao, K.-C. and Chang, C.-C., Relaxation Investigation on Durability for Terminals of CPU Socket Connectors, Materials & Design, vol. 30, pp. 252-255, 2009 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.107, SCI journal rank = 82th/192 in Materials Science].
  • Liao, K.-C. and Chang, C.-C., Applications of Damage Models to Durability Investigations for Electronic Connectors, Materials & Design, vol. 30, pp. 194-199, 2009 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.107, SCI journal rank = 82th/192 in Materials Science].
  • Liao, K.-C., Applications of Anisotropic Yield Criteria to Porous Sheet Metal Forming Simulations, Materials & Design, vol. 29, pp. 1000-1010, 2008 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.107, SCI journal rank = 82th/192 in Materials Science]
  • Feng, H. P., Liao, K.-C., and Cheng, C. D., Fracture Toughness of Powder Forged Iron-based Alloys, MingChi Journal, vol. 37, pp. 37-41, 2006
  • Liao, K.-C., Yield Criteria for Porous Ductile Sheet Metals with Planar Anisotropy under Plane Stress Conditions, Computers & Structures, vol. 82, pp. 2573-2583, 2004 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.223, SCI journal rank = 55th/195 in Computer Science].
  • Wang, D.-A., Chien, W. Y., Liao, K.-C., Pan, J., and Tang, S. C., A Gurson Yield Function for Anisotropic Porous Sheet Metals and Its Applications to Failure Prediction of Aluminum Sheets, The Chinese Journal of Mechanics-Series A, vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 161-168, 2003 (SCI, EI) [IF = 0.156, SCI journal rank = 108th/110 in Mechanics].
  • Friedman, P. A., Liao, K.-C., Pan, J., and Barlat, F., Texture Development and Hardening Characteristics of Steel Sheet under Plane Strain Conditions, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 8, pp. 225-235, 1999 (SCI, EI) [IF = 0.156, SCI journal rank = N/A].
  • Liao, K.-C., Pan, J., and Tang, S. C., Effects of Yield Surface Shape on Sheet Metal Forming Simulations, Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., vol. 41, pp. 559-584, 1998 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.266, SCI journal rank = N/A].
  • Liao, K.-C., Friedman, P. A., Pan, J., and Tang, S. C., Texture Development and Plastic Behavior of B.C.C. Strain Hardening Sheet Metals with Planar Anisotropy Based on a Polycrystal Model, Int. J. Solids Struct., vol. 35, pp. 5205-5236, 1998 (SCI, EI) [IF = 1.042, SCI journal rank = N/A].
  • Liao, K.-C., Pan, J., and Tang, S. C., Approximate Yield Criteria for Anisotropic Porous Ductile Sheet Metals, Mechanics of Materials, vol. 26, pp. 213-226, 1997 (SCI, EI) [IF = 0.928, SCI journal rank = N/A].


  • Lu, P.-J., Chang, W.-W., Liu, L.-C., Huang, T.-C., and Liao, K.-C., Developments and Validations of Smart Rotifer Aquaculture System, The 11h International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB), Bali, Indonesia, September 27-29, 2024
  • 張文緯,盧柏任,廖國基,基於影像辨識與自動化監控之輪蟲智慧養殖系統,2023生機與農機學術研討會,宜蘭,台灣,十月十九日–二十日,2023
  • 潘資閔,黃鼎筌,廖國基,應用臨界平面法於紫外光照下筆記型電腦承受開闔條件之高分子零件疲勞壽命估算與驗證,2023生機與農機學術研討會,宜蘭,台灣,十月十九日–二十日,2023
  • Huang, T.-C., Lin, Chan-Yu, and Liao, K.-C., Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Wear Behavior and Sealing Performance of PTFE Rotary Lip Seals Based on the Elasto-hydrodynamic Analysis with Considerations of the Asperity Contact, 24th International Conference on Wear of Materials, Alberta, Canada, April 16-20, 2023
  • Pan, Z.-M., Huang, T.-C., and Liao, K.-C., Investigations of the Cushioning Performance for Packages Filled with Paperboard Structures under Drop Tests, The 10h International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November, 15-17, 2022
  • Chu, Y.-T., Huang, T.-C., and Liao, K.-C., Efficiency Improvement of Geometry Optimization Procedures of Metallic Flexors for Flat Wipers Based on Machine Learning Approaches, The 10h International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November, 15-17, 2022
  • 盧柏任,朱翊慈,黃鼎荃,廖國基,應用數值模擬於泛用型無骨雨刷之工作性能評估,2022農機與生機學術研討會,台北,台灣,十月二十日–二十一日,2022
  • 黃鼎筌,廖國基,應用多重尺度分析於行動載具用電子元件承受隨機衝擊負荷條件之瞬斷評估與驗證,機械工程學會第三十八屆機械工程學術研討會,台南,台灣,十二月三–四日,2021
  • 王丹丰,黃鼎荃,廖國基,農產品運銷用瓦楞紙箱於長時間運輸航程之結構強度與通風表現分析,2021生機與農機學術研討會,屏東,台灣,十月二十一日–二十二日,2021
  • 蔡健威,黃鼎筌,廖國基,斜圈彈簧致動聚四氟乙烯密封件高週期磨耗評估,機械工程學會第三十七屆機械工程學術研討會,雲林,台灣,十一月二十–二十一日,2020
  • 謝文賓,廖國基,使用於運送晶片托盤之皮帶機構的設計分析與改善,第23屆全國機構與機器設計學術研討會,台南,台灣,十一月十三日,2020
  • Huang, T.-C. and Liao, K.-C., Applications of Constitutive and Damage Models of Thermoplastic Polymers to Electronic Connector Industry, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Fukuoka, Japan, April, 11-15, 2019
  • 張曜翔,顏鑫鋌,黃鼎荃,謝禮丞,廖國基,葉菜類播種機舉升架結構之擬靜態分析,2018生機與農機學術研討會,宜蘭,台灣,十一月一日–二日,2018
  • 顏鑫鋌,謝禮丞,廖國基,附掛式葉菜播種機工作效率之研究,2018生機與農機學術研討會,宜蘭,台灣,十一月一日–二日,2018
  • Huang, D.-C., Zhang, M.-Z., Huang, Z.-Q., and Liao, K.-C., Pressure Distribution Assessments for a Beam of a Flat Wiper Blade, The 9h International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB), Jeju, Korea, May, 28-30, 2018
  • Huang, D.-C., Juo, Y.-T., and Liao, K.-C., Failure Assessments of Polymeric Structure for Electronic Connectors, The 19th International Conference on Thermal & Mechanical Simulation and Experiments in Micro-electronics and Micro-systems, Toulouse, France, April, 15-17, 2018
  • 顏鑫鋌,林志翰,盧琛,廖翊丞,謝禮丞,廖國基,葉菜一貫化播種、作畦機械之設計,2017生機與農機學術研討會,台北,台灣,十月十九日–二十日,2017
  • Hou, Y.-T., Liao, K.-C., and Hsu,C.-C., Development of 3D Porosity Liver Scaffold within Pre-design Functional Artificial Liver for Implantation, Biomaterials International 2017, Fukuoka, Japan, August, 20-24, 2017
  • Huang, H.-H, Chung, W.-L., Liao, K.-C., Lee, C.-F., Tien, J.-Y., Young, H.-T., and Chen, H.-Y., The State of Charge of Electrodes and its effects on Lithium-Iron-Phosphate Battery Simulation, 229th ECS Meeting, San Diego, May, 29 – June, 2, 2016
  • 黃彥文,廖國基,電子連接器密封性能檢視,機械工程學會第三十三屆機械工程學術研討會,新竹,台灣,十二月三–四日,2016
  • 呂學育,廖國基,蘇承維,考慮降伏面扭曲的循環彈塑性行為分析,2016中華民國航太學會學術研討會,高雄,台灣,十一月五日,2016
  • Syu, C.-J., Liao, K.-C., and Hou, Y.-D., Bi-Perfusion System Design Applied to Fabrication of Porous Chitosan-Gelatin Liver Scaffolds, 2016 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society- Asia Pacific Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, September, 3-6, 2016
  • Leu, S.-Y., Liao, K.-C., and Su C.-W., Cyclic plasticity simulations with yield surface distortion by ABAQUS, The 7th International Conference on Computational Methods, Berkeley, USA, August, 1-4, 2016
  • Huang, Y.-W. and Liao, K.-C., Leakage Assessment for Electronic Connectors, The 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB), Niigata, Japan, May, 23-25, 2016
  • Huang, H.-H, Chen, H.-Y., Lee, C.-F., Tien, J.-Y., and Liao, K.-C., Thermal-Electrochemical Coupled Simulation for Lithium-Iron-Phosphate Based Batteries, The 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB), Niigata, Japan, May, 23-25, 2016
  • Huang, H.-H., Chen H.-Y., Lee C.-F., Tien J.-Y., and Liao, K.-C., Simulation of Discharge Behaviors for Lithium-iron-phosphate Based Batteries, 機械工程學會第三十二屆機械工程學術研討會,高雄,台灣,十二月十一–十二日,2015
  • 呂効霖,廖國基,應用多重尺度模型與多重物理耦合分析於電子連接器溫昇檢視,力學學會第三十九屆全國力學會議,台北,台灣,十一月二十–二十一日,2015
  • 劉士伯,林法勤,廖國基,環氧樹脂填補木材前後之損傷評,力學學會第三十八屆全國力學會議,基隆,台灣,十一月二十一–二十二日,2014
  • Liao, C.-F., Liu, S.-P., and Liao, K.-C., Applications of Laser Welding to Electric Connectors, The 15th International Conference on Thermal & Mechanical Simulation and Experiments in Micro-electronics and Micro-systems, Ghent, Belgium, April 7 – April 9, 2014
  • 連惟忞,邱偉忠,廖國基,機械手背內部柔輪之疲勞授命評估,機械工程學會第三十屆機械工程學術研討會,宜蘭,台灣,十二月六–七日,2013
  • 廖崇甫,廖國基,雷射銲接於電子連接器之應用,力學學會第三十七屆全國力學會議,新竹,台灣,十一月八–九日,2013
  • 卓岳廷,廖國基,電子連接器高分子材料結構失效評估,機械工程學會第二十九屆機械工程學術研討會,高雄,台灣,十二月七–八日,2012
  • 呂學育,廖國基,林彥均,混合式硬化材料球型容器之極限內壓彈塑性分析,力學學會第三十六屆全國力學會議,桃園,台灣,十一月十六–十七日,2012
  • Hsu, C.-Y. and Liao, K.-C., Assessment of Sealing Capabilities of an Elastometric Gasket of a Front-Opening Unified Pod, The 8th International Conference on Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, Kanazawa, Japan, September 23- 27, 2012
  • Liao, K.-C. and Lin, K.-H., Relaxation Investigation for Terminals of Electronic Connectors under Thermal Shock, 2012 International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering, Hong Kong, July 27-29, 2012
  • 徐上為,廖國基,電子連接器金屬彈片磨耗分析與驗證,力學學會第三十五屆全國力學會議,台南,台灣,十一月十八–十九日,2011
  • Liao, K.-C. and Chen, T.-Y., Springback Evaluation of Porous Sheets under Draw Bending Procedures, First International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2011, Kenting, Taiwan, November 11-15, 2011
  • Chang, Y.-W., Lin, T.-S., Wang, J.-C., Chou, J.-J., Liao, K.-C., Jiang, J.-A., The Effect of Temperature Distribution on the Vertical Cultivation in Plant Factories with a WSN-based Environmental Monitoring System, 2011 International Conference on Agricultural and Natural Resources Engineering, published in Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Singapore, Singapore, July 30-31, 2011
  • 陳啟倫,張可旻,廖國基,多孔鋁合金薄板於張伸製程之失效評估,力學學會第三十四屆全國力學會議,雲林,台灣,十一月十九–二十日,2010
  • 張延瑋,蔡志揚,張菀貽,林政翰,王人正,劉壬皓,廖國基,江昭皚,無線感測器網路應用於植物工廠環境控制系統之開發,2010年生物機電與農機科技論文發表會,屏東,台灣,十一月十八–十九日,2010
  • 廖敏勝,陳家榜,林子翔,張菀貽,鄭翔耀,廖國基,楊恩誠,江昭皚,福壽螺疫情監測系統,2010年生物機電與農機科技論文發表會,屏東,台灣,十一月十八–十九日,2010
  • 徐上為,廖國基,陳世銘,鄭宇帆,陳毓良,應用太陽能輔助熱泵系統於平面式植物工廠之環境整合控制與效能分析,2010年生物機電與農機科技論文發表會,屏東,台灣,十一月十八–十九日,2010
  • 王絢姻,高培均,顏炳郎,廖國基,乳房病變組織力學特性,2010年生物機電與農機科技論文發表會,屏東,台灣,十一月十八–十九日,2010
  • Liao, K.-C., Chen, T.-Y. and Chang, K.-M., Failure Assessments of Porous Aluminum Sheets under Stretching Procedures, 2010 International Symposium on Mechanical Science and Technology, Guangzhou, China, September 25-27, 2010
  • Tseng, C.-L., Jiang, J.-A., Wang, J.-C., Lin, Y.-J., Tsai, Z.-Y., Chung, T.-P., Liao, K.-C., and Ho, K.-Y., Design of Power-saving Automatic Counting Traps for an Ecological Monitoring System of Oriental Fruit Fly, The 5th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2010), Fukuoka, Japan, April 5-7, 2010
  • Shieh, J.-C., Lai, T.-Y., Chuang, C.-L., Yang, E.-C., Liao, K.-C., Tasy, J.-R., Hsu, W.-H., and Jiang, J.-A., Study of Routing Path Reliability for Static Outdoor Wireless Sensor Networks in Ecological Monitoring, The 5th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2010), Fukuoka, Japan, April 5-7, 2010
  • Liao, K.-C. and Chen, C.-L., Analysis of Micro/mesoscale Sheet Stamping Processes Based on Crystalline Plasticity Model, The International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan, March 23-26, 2010
  • 陳啟倫,廖國基,病床/推床護欄與電動病床升降機構之設計與分析, 2009 ABAQUS Users’ Conference, 桃園,台灣,November 3-4, 2009
  • Chen, C.-P., Chuang, C.-L., Lin, T.-S., Hung, C.-H., Liao, K.-C., Shieh, J.-C., and Jiang, J.-A., A Novel Coverage-preserving Algorithm with Energy Efficiency, IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, October 25-28, 2009
  • Chu, Y.-J., Tseng, C.-P., Wang, Y.-C., Liao, K.-C., Tseng, C.-L., Yang, E.-C., Wu, Y.-C., Ouyang, C.-S., Yen, C.-W., and Jiang, J.-A., Application of Load-Balanced Tree Routing Algorithm with Dynamic Modification to Centralized Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, October 25-28, 2009
  • Wang, Y.-C., Tseng, C.-L., Chu, Y.-J., Tseng, C.-P., Liao, K.-C., Ouyang, C.-S., Wu, Y.-C., Yang, E.-C., Lu, F.-M., and Jiang, J.-A., The First Order Load-Balanced Algorithm with Static Fixing Scheme for Centralized WSN System in Outdoor Environmental Monitoring, IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, October 25-28, 2009
  • Jiang, J.-A., Chen, C.-P., Lin, T.-S., Lai, T.-Y., Hung, C.-H., Yang, E.-C., Tseng, C.-L., Lu, F.-M., Liao, K.-C., Shieh, J.-C., Pest Hot Spot Detection for the Oriental Fruit Fly (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)) via Wireless Sensors Networks, WASN 2009, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, September 10-11, 2009
  • 江昭皚,洪志宏,賴子雲,王景儀,劉昌旺,陳家榜,林子翔,盧福明,楊恩誠,曾傳蘆,廖國基,自動重新路由機制對提升集中式無線感測網路系統之效能評估,WASN 2009,新竹,台灣,九月十–十一日,2009
  • 陳啟倫,廖國基,聚晶體模型於鋁合金薄板表面粗糙化之應用,2009年生物機電與農機科技論文發表會,宜蘭,台灣,七月二十二–二十三日,2009
  • 孫睿鴻,陳世銘,陳毓良,邱奕志,張允瓊,廖國基,蔡錦銘,李柔靜,無線感測網路於溫室內立體溫場量測系統之應用,2009年生物機電與農機科技論文發表會,宜蘭,台灣,七月二十二–二十三日,2009
  • Liao, K.-C. and Lin, W.-C., Fatigue Life Assessment of a Novel Mobile Phone Hinge, 12th International Conference on Fracture, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Jul, 12-17, 2009
  • Chen, C.-L., Liao, K.-C., and Lo, S.-W., Applications of Polycrystalline Model to Surface Roughening Simulations, ICMAT 2009 – International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, June 28 – July 3, 2009
  • Chiang, M.-H., Lin, I.-M., Lu, C.-C., Huang, H.-Y., Wu, J.-S., and Liao, K.-C., Characterization of a Nitrogen-based Planar DBD APPJ and Its Application in ITO Glass Cleaning, CAPPSA 2009 – 4th International Congress on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications, Gent, Belgium, June 22-24, 2009
  • 林凱琥,廖國基,熱濕效應於電子連接器影響之檢視,力學學會第三十二屆全國力學會議,嘉義,台灣,十一月二十八–二十九日,2008
  • 錢勇安,林韋全,朱筧虹,廖國基,筆記型電腦旋轉樞軸疲勞壽命評估,機械工程學會第二十五屆機械工程學術研討會,彰化,台灣,十一月二十一–二十二日,2008
  • Liao, K.-C. and Chiu, W.-C., Investigation of Relaxation Behavior for Terminals of CPU Socket Connectors, HOLM 2008 – 54th IEEE HOLM Conference on Electrical Contacts, Orlando, Florida, USA, October 27-29, 2008 (EI)
  • 劉奕君,廖國基,新次工程塑料與成型參數於記憶卡連接器塑膠基座翹曲影響之檢視,力學學會第三十一屆全國力學會議,高雄,台灣,十二月二十一–二十二日,2007
  • 林凱琥,廖國基,電子連接器承受冷熱衝擊試驗之應力鬆弛檢視,力學學會第三十一屆全國力學會議,高雄,台灣,十二月二十一–二十二日,2007
  • 林韋全,陳嘉振,謝文賓,廖國基,新型摺疊式照相行動電話模組化上蓋旋轉機構之專利分析與概念設計,機械工程學會第二十四屆機械工程學術研討會,桃園,台灣,十一月二十三–二十四日,2007
  • Liao, K.-C. and Lin, K.-H., Relaxation Investigation for Terminals of Electronic Connectors under Thermal Shock Test, 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, USA, November 11-15, 2007 (EI)
  • 廖國基,林凱琥,從模流到結構分析-以電子連接器承受高溫高濕條件為例,2007 ABAQUS Users’ Conference,宜蘭,台灣,十一月七-八日,2007
  • Liao, K.-C. and Chang, C.-C., Relaxation Investigation on Durability for Terminals of CPU Socket Connectors, 7th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, Taipei, Taiwan, June 4-7, 2007
  • 張其哲,廖國基,臨界平面法於輸出/輸入電子連接器可靠度評估與使用者視窗介面開發之研究,力學學會第三十屆全國力學會議,彰化,台灣,十二月十五-十六日,2006
  • 張其哲,廖國基,CPU插槽連接器金屬彈片應用壽命初期檢視,機械工程學會第二十三屆機械工程學術研討會,台南,台灣,十一月二十四-二十五日,2006
  • Chang, C. C. and Liao, K.-C., Applications of Damage Models to Reliability Investigations for Input/Output Electronic Connectors, 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., November 5-10, 2006 (EI)
  • 張其哲,廖國基,CPU插槽連接器金屬彈片應用壽命評估,2006 ABAQUS Users’ Conference,台北,台灣,十月三十一-十一月一日,2006
  • Liao, K.-C., Feng, H. P., and Tsai, H. H., Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics model for Anisotropic Porous materials with Small Mixed-Mode Cracks, The 9th International Fatigue Congress, Atlanta, U.S.A., May 14-19, 2006
  • Liao, K.-C., Applications of Planar Isotropic Yield Criteria to Porous Sheet Metal under a Deep Drawing Simulation, Third M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., June 14-17, 2005
  • 馮慧平,廖國基,鄭春德,還原鐵粉燒結鋼破壞力學性質,第四屆台塑關係企業應用技術研討會,台北,台灣,五月二十七日,2005
  • Liao, K.-C., Feng, H. P., Cheng, C. D., Tsai, H. H., and Shieh, W.-B., Mechanical Properties of Sintered Kovar Alloys for Structure Components of Optical Devices, EuroSimE 2005 Conference, Berlin, Germany, April 18-20, 2005 (EI)
  • Liao, K.-C., Applications of Planar Anisotropic Yield Criteria to Porous Aluminum Sheet Forming Simulations, The Eleventh International Symposium on Plasticity 2005, Kauai, Hawaii, U.S.A., January 3-8, pp. 115-117, 2005
  • Liao, K.-C., Investigation of Warpage of PBGA without Solder Joints under Encapsulation Processes, 機械工程學會第二十一屆機械工程學術研討會,高雄,台灣,十一月二十六-二十七日,2004
  • 廖國基,無錫球PBGA於構裝過程下之翹曲模擬與量測比較,第三屆台塑關係企業應用技術研討會,桃園,台灣,十二月十九日,2003
  • 廖國基,電子插槽連接器端子應力鬆弛模擬之先期研究,力學學會第二十七屆全國力學會議,台南,台灣,十二月十二-十三日,2003
  • Liao, K.-C., Applications of Planar Anisotropic Yield Criteria to Porous Sheet Metal Stretching Simulation, 第二十屆機械工程研討會學術研討會,台北,台灣,十二月五-六日,2003
  • Shieh, W.-B., and Tsai, H. H., and Liao, K.-C., The Stabilization of Central Wavelength of Fiber Bragg Gratings by Thermal Contraction Effect of Kovar Substrate, 5th International Conference on Electronics Materials and Packaging, Singapore, November 17-19, pp. 158-163, 2003 (EI)
  • Liao, K.-C., Shieh, W.-B., and Tsai, H. H., Preliminary Investigation of Coupling Efficiency Improvement for Thin-Film-Based Passive Optical Components, 5th International Conference on Electronics Materials and Packaging, Singapore, November 17-19, pp. 348-352, 2003 (EI)
  • Lee, K.-T., Tsai, H. H., and Liao, K.-C., Investigation of the Dilation of Epoxy with Negative Thermal Expansion Fillers, The 3rd International IEEE Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics, Montreux, Switzerland, October 20-23, 2003 (EI)
  • Tsai, H. H., Lee, K.-T., Shieh, W.-B., and Liao, K.-C., Experimental Investigation of the Curing Shrinkage of Extra Low Dilated Epoxy by Fiber Bragg Grafting, The 3rd International IEEE Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics, Montreux, Switzerland, October 20-23, 2003 (EI)
  • Liao, K.-C., Applications of Anisotropic Yield Criteria to Porous Sheet Metal Deep Drawing Simulation, 第八屆車輛工程學術研討會,桃園,台灣,十月八日,pp. 101-105,2003
  • Liao, K.-C., Applications of Planar Anisotropic Yield Criteria to Porous Sheet Metals under a Stretching Operation, 2003 ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A., June 17-20, 2003 (EI)
  • Tsai, H. H. and Liao, K.-C., Feasibility Study of Athermal Packaging for Fiber Bragg Gratings by Invar Effect Substrate, The 4th International Conference on Thermal & Mechanical Simulation and Experiments in Micro-electronics and Micro-systems, Aix-en-Provence, France, March 30 – April 2, pp. 147-151, 2003 (EI)
  • Liao, K.-C. and Tsai, H. H., Reliability Investigations of Flip Chip Package with Porous Solder Joints, The 4th International Conference on Thermal & Mechanical Simulation and Experiments in Micro-electronics and Micro-systems, Aix-en-Provence, France, March 30 – April 2, pp. 63-67, 2003 (EI)
  • Liao, K.-C., Modified Anisotropic Yield Criteria for Porous Ductile Sheet Metals under Plane Stress Conditions, The 26th Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Hu-Wei, Taiwan, December 20-21, 2002
  • Tsai, H. H. and Liao, K.-C., Preliminary Investigation of the Athermal Package by Bimetal Structure for Fiber Brass Gratings, Proceedings of 2002 SME Taipei Chapter Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, November 10-11, 2002
  • Liao, K.-C., Verification of Yield Criteria for Anisotropic Porous Sheet Metals under Plane Stress Conditions, 2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, November 3-4, 2002
  • Lin, C. C. and Liao, K.-C., Cooling Effects on Electrical Connectors under the Injection Molding Procedure, C-MOLD 2000 International Conference Molding Technologies, Review and Forecast, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, March 8-10, 2000
  • Liao, K.-C. and Lin, C. C., Improvement of Warpage on Header Connector Based on Mold-Filling Analysis, 1999 C-MOLD Thin-Wall Molding Techology User’s Conference, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, March 12, 1999
  • Pan, J., Liao, K.-C., and Tang, S. C., Anisotropic Yield and Damage Criteria for Sheet Metal Forming Simulations, 3rd EURONECH Solid Mechanics Conference, 1997
  • Friedman, P. A., Liao, K.-C., Pan, J., and Tang, S. C., Effects of Plastic Anisotropy on Sheet Metal Forming, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Dallas, Texas, November 16-21, 1997 (EI)
  • Friedman, P. A., Liao, K.-C., and Pan, J., Texture Development and Hardening Characteristics of Steel Sheet During Cold Rolling, 1997 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting, Evanston, Illinois, June 29 – July 2, 1997 (EI)
  • Liao, K.-C., Pan, J., and Tang, S. C., A Macroscopic Yield Criterion for Porous Metals with Anisotropic Matrices and Its Applications to Sheet Forming Simulations, 1997 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting, Evanston, Illinois, June 29 – July 2, 1997 (EI)
  • Liao, K.-C., Pan, J., and Tang, S. C., Yield Criteria for B.C.C. Sheet Metals, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Numerical Simulation of 3-D Sheet Forming Processes, Dearborn, Michigan, September 29 – October 3, pp.355-358, 1996
  • Liao, K.-C., Friedman, P. A., Pan, J., and Tang, S. C., Yield Criteria for B.C.C. Sheet Metal Forming Simulations, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, San Francisco, California, November 12-17, 1995 (EI)